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Available Functions and Documentation

Apart from the algorithms, several auxiliary functions are available. In this page, one can find all the available functions and their respective documentation.



    a_i: ArrayLike,
    n: int,
    k: int,
    destinations: ArrayLike,
    initial_uav_position: ArrayLike,
    v_max: float,
    tau: float,
    gamma: float,
    noise_seed: int = 1,
    noise_distribution: str = "standard_normal",
    distribution_parameters: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
    tol: float = 0.001,
    n_iter: int = 30,
    max_lim: float = 1000000.0,
) -> NDArray

Executes the GTRS algorithm.

See here more details about the GTRS algorithm.


Name Type Description Default
a_i ArrayLike

The true position of the anchors in 3D.

n int

The number of anchors.

k int

The number of measurements.

destinations ArrayLike

The intermediate points need for navigation in 3D.

initial_uav_position ArrayLike

The initial UAV position in 3D.

v_max float

The maximum velocity that the UAV can fly.

tau float

The threshold to reach the destination.

gamma float

The smoothing factor.

noise_seed int

The seed to generate the noise.

noise_distribution str

The distribution used to model the noise.

distribution_parameters Optional[ArrayLike]

Optional parameters to customize the noise distribution.

tol float

The tolerance for the bisection function.

n_iter int

The max number of iterations for the bisection function.

max_lim float

The maximum value for the interval in the bisection function.



Type Description

The estimated positions for the UAV computed using the GTRS algorithm for the given input scenario


and the true trajectory that the UAV followed.

Source code in autonav/
def gtrs(
    a_i: ArrayLike,
    n: int,
    k: int,
    destinations: ArrayLike,
    initial_uav_position: ArrayLike,
    v_max: float,
    tau: float,
    gamma: float,
    noise_seed: int = 1,
    noise_distribution: str = "standard_normal",
    distribution_parameters: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
    tol: float = 0.001,
    n_iter: int = 30,
    max_lim: float = 1000000.0,
) -> NDArray:
    """Executes the GTRS algorithm.

    [See here more details about the GTRS algorithm.](

        a_i: The true position of the anchors in 3D.
        n: The number of anchors.
        k: The number of measurements.
        destinations: The intermediate points need for navigation in 3D.
        initial_uav_position: The initial UAV position in 3D.
        v_max: The maximum velocity that the UAV can fly.
        tau: The threshold to reach the destination.
        gamma: The smoothing factor.
        noise_seed: The seed to generate the noise.
        noise_distribution: The distribution used to model the noise.
        distribution_parameters: Optional parameters to customize the noise distribution.
        tol: The tolerance for the bisection function.
        n_iter: The max number of iterations for the bisection function.
        max_lim: The maximum value for the interval in the bisection function.

        The estimated positions for the UAV computed using the GTRS algorithm for the given input scenario
        and the true trajectory that the UAV followed.
    # Transform inputs in NDArray
    arr_a_i: NDArray = asarray(a_i, dtype=float)
    arr_destinations: NDArray = asarray(destinations, dtype=float)
    arr_initial_uav_position: NDArray = asarray(initial_uav_position, dtype=float)
    if distribution_parameters is None:
        arr_distribution_parameters: NDArray = asarray([])
        arr_distribution_parameters = asarray(distribution_parameters, dtype=float)
    # Validate inputs
    if size(arr_a_i, axis=1) != n:
        raise ValueError("The length of a_i must be equal to N.")
    if k <= 0:
        raise ValueError("K must be positive.")
    if size(arr_destinations) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Waypoints cannot be empty.")
    if size(arr_destinations, axis=1) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Waypoints must contain the 3 coordinates (x, y, z).")
    if size(arr_initial_uav_position) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Initial UAV position must contain the 3 coordinates (x, y, z).")
    # Test optional inputs
    available_noise_distributions = ["normal", "standard_normal", "exponential"]
    if noise_distribution not in available_noise_distributions:
        raise ValueError("Noise distribution must be " + ", ".join(available_noise_distributions) + ".")
    if tol < 0:
        raise ValueError("Tolerance must be positive.")
    if n_iter < 0:
        raise ValueError("Number of Bisection iterations must be positive.")
    if max_lim < 0:
        raise ValueError("The maximum value for the interval in the bisection function must be positive.")
    # Time sample in seconds
    ts = 1
    # State transition matrix
    s = eye(6)
    s[0, 3] = ts
    s[1, 4] = ts
    s[2, 5] = ts
    # State process noise intensity
    sigma_w = 0.05
    # State process noise covariance
    q = dot(
                [ts**3 / 3, 0, 0, ts**2 / 2, 0, 0],
                [0, ts**3 / 3, 0, 0, ts**2 / 2, 0],
                [0, 0, ts**3 / 3, 0, 0, ts**2 / 2],
                [ts**2 / 2, 0, 0, ts, 0, 0],
                [0, ts**2 / 2, 0, 0, ts, 0],
                [0, 0, ts**2 / 2, 0, 0, ts],
    x_state = zeros(shape=(6, 1))
    x_loc = zeros(shape=(3, 1))
    p = eye(6)
    qq = 0
    x_true = arr_initial_uav_position[:]
    estimated_positions = []
    true_trajectory = []
    ww = 0
    n_dest = len(arr_destinations) - 1
    # Generator to create random numbers
    gen = random_generator(noise_seed)
    while ww <= n_dest:
        distance = math.sqrt(
            (x_true[0] - arr_destinations[ww][0]) ** 2
            + (x_true[1] - arr_destinations[ww][1]) ** 2
            + (x_true[2] - arr_destinations[ww][2]) ** 2
        while distance > 1:
            x = x_true[:]
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Simulation part
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            di_k = sqrt(((x[0] - arr_a_i[0, :]) ** 2) + ((x[1] - arr_a_i[1, :]) ** 2) + ((x[2] - arr_a_i[2, :]) ** 2))
            di_k = array([di_k]).T
            if noise_distribution == "normal":
                # See if user passed the mean and std
                if size(arr_distribution_parameters) == 2:
                    mean = arr_distribution_parameters[0]
                    std = arr_distribution_parameters[1]
                    noise_model = gen.normal(loc=mean, scale=std, size=(n, k))
                    noise_model = gen.normal(size=(n, k))
                di_k = di_k + noise_model
            elif noise_distribution == "exponential":
                # See if user passed the rate
                if size(arr_distribution_parameters) == 1:
                    rate = arr_distribution_parameters[0]
                    noise_model = gen.exponential(scale=rate, size=(n, k))
                    rate = 10**-6
                    noise_model = gen.exponential(scale=rate, size=(n, k))
                di_k = di_k + noise_model
            elif noise_distribution == "standard_normal":  # Default distribution
                noise_model = gen.standard_normal(size=(n, k))
                di_k = di_k + noise_model
            d_i = median(di_k, axis=1)
            d_i = array([d_i]).T
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Estimation part
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            a1_loc = zeros(shape=(n, 4))
            b1_loc = zeros(shape=(n, 1))
            a_track = zeros(shape=(n + 6, 7))
            b_track = zeros(shape=(n + 6, 1))
            w_i_loc = array(sqrt(d_i ** (-1.0) / (sum(d_i ** (-1.0)))))
            for tt in arange(0, n, 1).reshape(-1):
                a1_loc[tt] = append(dot(2, arr_a_i[0:3, tt].T), -1)
                b1_loc[tt] = norm(arr_a_i[0:3, tt]) ** 2 - d_i[tt] ** 2
            w_loc = diag(w_i_loc.T[0])
            d_loc = eye(4)
            d_loc[3, 3] = 0
            f_loc = array([0, 0, 0, -1.0 / 2.0]).reshape(4, 1)
            a_loc = dot(w_loc, a1_loc)
            b_loc = dot(w_loc, b1_loc)
            if qq != 0:
                aux = dot(s, p)
                p_pred = dot(aux, s.T) + q
                x_pred = dot(s, x_state[0:6, qq - 1])
                x_pred = x_pred.reshape(len(x_pred), 1)
                a1_track = zeros(shape=(n, 7))
                b1_track = zeros(shape=(n, 1))
                for tt in arange(0, n, 1).reshape(-1):
                    a1_track[tt] = concatenate((dot(2, arr_a_i[0:3, tt].T), zeros(size(x, 0)), [-1]), axis=0)
                    b1_track[tt] = norm(arr_a_i[0:3, tt]) ** 2 - abs(d_i[tt] ** 2)
                left_matrix = sqrtm(inv(p_pred))
                right_matrix = zeros((size(x_state, 0), 1))
                a1_track = concatenate((a1_track, concatenate((left_matrix, right_matrix), axis=1)), axis=0)
                a1_track[a1_track == math.inf] = 0
                inf_p_pred = array(sqrtm(inv(p_pred)))
                inf_p_pred[inf_p_pred == math.inf] = 0
                b1_track = concatenate((b1_track, dot(inf_p_pred, x_pred)), axis=0)
                a = dot(math.sqrt(1.0 / 2.0), w_i_loc.T)
                b = dot(math.sqrt(1.0 / 8.0), ones((1, size(x_state, 0))))
                w_track = concatenate((a, b), axis=1)
                w_track = eye(size(w_track, 1)) * w_track
                d_track = zeros((7, 7))
                d_track[0, 0] = 1
                d_track[1, 1] = 1
                d_track[2, 2] = 1
                f_track = array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0 / 2.0]).reshape(7, 1)
                a_track = dot(w_track, a1_track)
                b_track = dot(w_track, b1_track)
            eigen_values = _calc_eigen(a_loc, d_loc)
            eig_1 = max(eigen_values)
            min_lim = -1.0 / eig_1
            lambda_loc = _bisection_fun(min_lim, max_lim, tol, n_iter, a_loc, d_loc, b_loc, f_loc)
            y_hat_loc = solve(
                (dot(a_loc.T, a_loc) + dot(lambda_loc, d_loc) + dot(1e-06, eye(size(a_loc, 1)))),
                (dot(a_loc.T, b_loc) - dot(lambda_loc, f_loc)),
            if qq == 0:
                x_loc[0:3, qq] = real(y_hat_loc[0:3, 0])
                x_state[0:6, qq] = concatenate((x_loc[0:3, qq], zeros(3)), axis=0)
                p = eye(6)
                estimated_positions.append(x_loc[0:3, qq])
                x_loc = insert(x_loc, qq, real(y_hat_loc[0:3, 0]), axis=1)
                eigen_values = _calc_eigen(a_track, d_track)
                eig_1 = max(eigen_values)
                min_lim = -1.0 / eig_1
                lambda_track = _bisection_fun(min_lim, max_lim, tol, n_iter, a_track, d_track, b_track, f_track)
                y_hat_track = solve(
                    (dot(a_track.T, a_track) + dot(lambda_track, d_track) + dot(1e-06, eye(size(a_track, 1)))),
                    (dot(a_track.T, b_track) - dot(lambda_track, f_track)),
                x_state = concatenate((x_state, zeros((size(x_state, 0), 1))), axis=1)
                x_state[0:6, qq] = concatenate((real(y_hat_track[arange(0, size(x_state, 0))])), axis=0)
                lk1 = subtract(x_state[0:6, qq], x_state[0:6, qq - 1]).reshape((6, 1))
                lk2 = subtract(x_state[0:6, qq], x_state[0:6, qq - 1]).reshape((6, 1)).T
                p = matmul(lk1, lk2)
                estimated_positions.append(x_loc[0:3, qq])
            uav_velocity = _velocity(x_loc[0:3, qq], arr_destinations[ww, :], v_max, tau, gamma)
            x_true[0] = x_true[0] + uav_velocity[0]
            x_true[1] = x_true[1] + uav_velocity[1]
            x_true[2] = x_true[2] + uav_velocity[2]
            distance = math.sqrt(
                (x_true[0] - arr_destinations[ww][0]) ** 2
                + (x_true[1] - arr_destinations[ww][1]) ** 2
                + (x_true[2] - arr_destinations[ww][2]) ** 2
            qq += 1
        ww += 1
    return array([array(estimated_positions), array(true_trajectory)])


    a_i: ArrayLike,
    n: int,
    k: int,
    destinations: ArrayLike,
    initial_uav_position: ArrayLike,
    v_max: float,
    tau: float,
    gamma: float,
    noise_seed: int = 1,
    noise_distribution: str = "standard_normal",
    distribution_parameters: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
) -> NDArray

Executes the WLS algorithm.

[See here more details about the WLS algorithm.] (


Name Type Description Default
a_i ArrayLike

The true position of the anchors in 3D.

n int

The number of anchors.

k int

The number of measurements.

destinations ArrayLike

The intermediate points need for navigation in 3D.

initial_uav_position ArrayLike

The initial UAV position in 3D.

v_max float

The maximum velocity that the UAV can fly.

tau float

The threshold to reach the destination.

gamma float

The smoothing factor.

noise_seed int

The seed to generate the noise.

noise_distribution str

The distribution used to model the noise.

distribution_parameters Optional[ArrayLike]

Optional parameters to customize the noise distribution.



Type Description

The estimated positions for the UAV computed using the WLS algorithm for the given input scenario


and the true trajectory that the UAV followed.

Source code in autonav/
def wls(
    a_i: ArrayLike,
    n: int,
    k: int,
    destinations: ArrayLike,
    initial_uav_position: ArrayLike,
    v_max: float,
    tau: float,
    gamma: float,
    noise_seed: int = 1,
    noise_distribution: str = "standard_normal",
    distribution_parameters: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
) -> NDArray:
    """Executes the WLS algorithm.

    [See here more details about the WLS algorithm.]

        a_i: The true position of the anchors in 3D.
        n: The number of anchors.
        k: The number of measurements.
        destinations: The intermediate points need for navigation in 3D.
        initial_uav_position: The initial UAV position in 3D.
        v_max: The maximum velocity that the UAV can fly.
        tau: The threshold to reach the destination.
        gamma: The smoothing factor.
        noise_seed: The seed to generate the noise.
        noise_distribution: The distribution used to model the noise.
        distribution_parameters: Optional parameters to customize the noise distribution.

        The estimated positions for the UAV computed using the WLS algorithm for the given input scenario
        and the true trajectory that the UAV followed.
    # Transform inputs in NDArray
    arr_a_i: NDArray = asarray(a_i, dtype=float)
    arr_destinations: NDArray = asarray(destinations, dtype=float)
    arr_initial_uav_position: NDArray = asarray(initial_uav_position, dtype=float)
    if distribution_parameters is None:
        arr_distribution_parameters: NDArray = asarray([])
        arr_distribution_parameters = asarray(distribution_parameters, dtype=float)
    # Validate inputs
    if size(arr_a_i, axis=1) != n:
        raise ValueError("The length of a_i must be equal to N.")
    if k <= 0:
        raise ValueError("K must be positive.")
    if size(arr_destinations) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Waypoints cannot be empty.")
    if size(arr_destinations, axis=1) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Waypoints must contain the 3 coordinates (x, y, z).")
    if size(initial_uav_position) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Initial UAV position must contain the 3 coordinates (x, y, z).")
    # Test optional inputs
    available_noise_distributions = ["normal", "standard_normal", "exponential"]
    if noise_distribution not in available_noise_distributions:
        raise ValueError("Noise distribution must be " + ", ".join(available_noise_distributions) + ".")
    x_true = arr_initial_uav_position[:]
    ww = 0
    n_dest = len(arr_destinations) - 1
    estimated_positions = []
    true_trajectory = []
    # Generator to create random numbers (see line 65)
    gen = random_generator(noise_seed)
    while ww <= n_dest:
        distance = math.sqrt(
            (x_true[0] - arr_destinations[ww][0]) ** 2
            + (x_true[1] - arr_destinations[ww][1]) ** 2
            + (x_true[2] - arr_destinations[ww][2]) ** 2
        while distance > 1:
            x = x_true[0:3]
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Simulation part
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            di_k = sqrt(((x[0] - arr_a_i[0, :]) ** 2) + ((x[1] - arr_a_i[1, :]) ** 2) + ((x[2] - arr_a_i[2, :]) ** 2))
            di_k = array([di_k]).T
            if noise_distribution == "normal":
                # See if user passed the mean and std
                if size(arr_distribution_parameters) == 2:
                    mean = arr_distribution_parameters[0]
                    std = arr_distribution_parameters[1]
                    noise_model = gen.normal(loc=mean, scale=std, size=(n, k))
                    noise_model = gen.normal(size=(n, k))
                di_k = di_k + noise_model
            elif noise_distribution == "exponential":
                # See if user passed the rate
                if size(arr_distribution_parameters) == 1:
                    rate = arr_distribution_parameters[0]
                    noise_model = gen.exponential(scale=rate, size=(n, k))
                    rate = 10**-6
                    noise_model = gen.exponential(scale=rate, size=(n, k))
                di_k = di_k + noise_model
            elif noise_distribution == "standard_normal":  # Default distribution
                noise_model = gen.standard_normal(size=(n, k))
                di_k = di_k + noise_model
            d_i = median(di_k, axis=1)
            d_i = array([d_i]).T
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Estimation part
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            xi_est = zeros(shape=(3, n))
            phi_i = zeros(shape=(n, 1))
            alpha_i = zeros(shape=(n, 1))
            for ii in range(0, n):
                kk = [ii + 1]
                for jj in range(0, n):
                    total = 0
                    if arr_a_i[0, ii] == arr_a_i[0, jj]:
                        total += 1
                    if arr_a_i[1, ii] == arr_a_i[1, jj]:
                        total += 1
                    if ii != jj and total > 0:
                        kk.append(jj + 1)
                a2 = zeros(shape=(len(array(list(itertools.combinations(kk, 2)))), 3))
                b2 = zeros(shape=(len(array(list(itertools.combinations(kk, 2)))), 1))
                for uu in range(0, len(array(list(itertools.combinations(kk, 2))))):
                    combinations = array(list(itertools.combinations(kk, 2)))
                    gg = combinations[uu, 0]
                    hh = combinations[uu, 1]
                    a2[uu, :] = 2 * (arr_a_i[0:3, gg - 1] - arr_a_i[0:3, hh - 1]).T
                    b2[uu] = (
                        d_i[hh - 1] ** 2
                        - d_i[gg - 1] ** 2
                        - norm(arr_a_i[0:3, hh - 1]) ** 2
                        + norm(arr_a_i[0:3, gg - 1]) ** 2
                xi_est[:, [ii]] = solve(dot(a2.T, a2) + (1 * 10 ** (-6)) * eye(3), dot(a2.T, b2))
                di_xy = norm(xi_est[0:2, 0])
                xi_est[2][ii] = (cmath.sqrt((d_i[0] ** 2)[0] - (di_xy**2)).real) + (
                    cmath.sqrt((d_i[0] ** 2)[0] - (di_xy**2)).imag
                phi_i[ii] = (
                    math.atan2((xi_est[1][ii] - arr_a_i[1, ii]), (xi_est[0][ii] - arr_a_i[0, ii])) * 180 / math.pi
                alpha_i[ii] = (
                    math.acos((xi_est[2][ii] - arr_a_i[2, ii]) / (norm(xi_est[:, ii] - arr_a_i[:, ii]))) * 180 / math.pi
            u_i_1 = cos((phi_i * math.pi) / 180).T
            u_i_2 = sin((alpha_i * math.pi) / 180).T
            u_i_3 = sin((phi_i * math.pi) / 180).T
            u_i_4 = cos((alpha_i * math.pi) / 180).T
            u_i = zeros(shape=(3, n))
            u_i[0, :] = u_i_1 * u_i_2
            u_i[1, :] = u_i_3 * u_i_2
            u_i[2, :] = u_i_4
            a_1 = u_i.T
            b_1 = d_i + (sum(u_i * arr_a_i).T.reshape(n, 1))
            w_i = asarray((1 / d_i) / (sum(1 / d_i)))
            w = asarray(eye(n) * scimath.sqrt(w_i))
            a_loc = dot(w, a_1)
            b_loc = dot(w, b_1)
            x_est = asarray(solve(dot(a_loc.T, a_loc) + (1 * 10 ** (-6)) * eye(3), dot(a_loc.T, b_loc)))
            estimated_positions.append(x_est[:, 0])
            uav_velocity = _velocity(x_est[:, 0], arr_destinations[ww, :], v_max, tau, gamma)
            x_true[0] = x_true[0] + uav_velocity[0]
            x_true[1] = x_true[1] + uav_velocity[1]
            x_true[2] = x_true[2] + uav_velocity[2]
            distance = math.sqrt(
                (x_true[0] - arr_destinations[ww][0]) ** 2
                + (x_true[1] - arr_destinations[ww][1]) ** 2
                + (x_true[2] - arr_destinations[ww][2]) ** 2
        ww += 1
    return array([array(estimated_positions), array(true_trajectory)])


This module contains the plotting functions.


    estimated_trajectories: List[ArrayLike],
    true_trajectories: List[ArrayLike],
    names_of_the_algorithms: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> NDArray

Plots the root mean squared error along the trajectory for one or more algorithms.


Name Type Description Default
estimated_trajectories List[ArrayLike]

The estimated trajectory that the UAV followed.

true_trajectories List[ArrayLike]

The true trajectory that the UAV followed.

names_of_the_algorithms Optional[List[str]]

The names of the algorithms in the same order as in estimated_trajectories.



Type Description

An NDArray object containing the RMSE comparison.

Source code in autonav/
def plot_rmse(
    estimated_trajectories: List[ArrayLike],
    true_trajectories: List[ArrayLike],
    names_of_the_algorithms: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> NDArray:
    """Plots the root mean squared error along the trajectory for one or more algorithms.

       estimated_trajectories: The estimated trajectory that the UAV followed.
       true_trajectories: The true trajectory that the UAV followed.
       names_of_the_algorithms: The names of the algorithms in the same order as in estimated_trajectories.

        An NDArray object containing the RMSE comparison.
    # User didn't input names_of_the_algorithms
    if names_of_the_algorithms is None:
        names_of_the_algorithms = ["GTRS", "WLS"]
    if len(estimated_trajectories) == len(true_trajectories):
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(estimated_trajectories), sharey=True)
        # Space between subplots
        for i in range(len(estimated_trajectories)):
            # Transform inputs in NDArray
            arr_estimated_trajectories: NDArray = asarray(estimated_trajectories[i], dtype=float)
            arr_true_trajectories: NDArray = asarray(true_trajectories[i], dtype=float)
            rmse = compute_rmse(arr_estimated_trajectories[:, :], arr_true_trajectories[:, :])
            axs[i].set_title("RMSE " + names_of_the_algorithms[i])
        for ax in axs.flat:
            ax.set(xlabel="Iteration", ylabel="RMSE")
        return axs
        raise ValueError("The number of algorithms must be the same in estimated_trajectories and true_trajectories.")


    ideal_trajectory: ArrayLike,
    estimated_trajectories: List[ArrayLike],
    a_i: ArrayLike,
    names_of_the_algorithms: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> list

Plots the ideal and estimated trajectory for one or more algorithms.


Name Type Description Default
ideal_trajectory ArrayLike

The ideal trajectory that the UAV is supposed to follow.

estimated_trajectories List[ArrayLike]

The estimated trajectory that the UAV followed using an algorithm.

names_of_the_algorithms Optional[List[str]]

The names of the algorithms in the same order as in estimated_trajectories.

a_i ArrayLike

The position of the anchors.



Type Description

A list of Matplotlib Axes object containing the ideal and estimated trajectory comparison.

Source code in autonav/
def plot_trajectories(
    ideal_trajectory: ArrayLike,
    estimated_trajectories: List[ArrayLike],
    a_i: ArrayLike,
    names_of_the_algorithms: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> list:
    """Plots the ideal and estimated trajectory for one or more algorithms.

        ideal_trajectory: The ideal trajectory that the UAV is supposed to follow.
        estimated_trajectories: The estimated trajectory that the UAV followed using an algorithm.
        names_of_the_algorithms: The names of the algorithms in the same order as in estimated_trajectories.
        a_i: The position of the anchors.

        A list of Matplotlib Axes object containing the ideal and estimated trajectory comparison.
    # Transform inputs in NDArray
    arr_ideal_trajectory: NDArray = asarray(ideal_trajectory, dtype=float)
    arr_a_i: NDArray = asarray(a_i, dtype=float)
    # User didn't input names_of_the_algorithms
    if names_of_the_algorithms is None:
        names_of_the_algorithms = ["GTRS", "WLS"]
    if len(estimated_trajectories) == len(names_of_the_algorithms):
        axes = []
        for j in range(len(estimated_trajectories)):
            # Transform inputs in NDArray
            arr_estimated_trajectories: NDArray = asarray(estimated_trajectories[j], dtype=float)
            plt.figure(j)  # New figure foreach algorithm
            ax = plt.axes(projection="3d")
            a_i_label = "a_i"
            for i in range(0, arr_a_i.shape[1]):
                a_i_label = "_nolegend_"  # Legend only in the first iteration
                arr_ideal_trajectory[:, 0],
                arr_ideal_trajectory[:, 1],
                arr_ideal_trajectory[:, 2],
                label="Ideal Trajectory",
                arr_estimated_trajectories[:, 0],
                arr_estimated_trajectories[:, 1],
                arr_estimated_trajectories[:, 2],
                label="Trajectory followed by the UAV using " + names_of_the_algorithms[j],
            ax.set_xlabel("Width (m)")
            ax.set_ylabel("Length (m)")
            ax.set(zlabel="Heigth (m)")
        return axes
        raise ValueError(
            "The number of algorithms must be the same in estimated_trajectories and names_of_the_algorithms."


This module contains the metrics functions.


    estimated_trajectory: ArrayLike, true_trajectory: ArrayLike
) -> float

This function computes the average root mean squared error between the true and estimated trajectory of the UAV.


Name Type Description Default
estimated_trajectory ArrayLike

The estimated trajectory by the algorithm.

true_trajectory ArrayLike

The true trajectory that the UAV followed.



Type Description

The average root mean squared error between the true and the estimated trajectories.

Source code in autonav/
def compute_armse(estimated_trajectory: ArrayLike, true_trajectory: ArrayLike) -> float:
    """This function computes the average root mean squared error between the true and estimated trajectory of the UAV.

        estimated_trajectory: The estimated trajectory by the algorithm.
        true_trajectory: The true trajectory that the UAV followed.

        The average root mean squared error between the true and the estimated trajectories.
    # Transform inputs in NDArray
    arr_estimated_trajectory: NDArray = asarray(estimated_trajectory, dtype=float)
    arr_true_trajectory: NDArray = asarray(true_trajectory, dtype=float)
    rmse = compute_rmse(arr_estimated_trajectory, arr_true_trajectory)
    if len(rmse) != 0:
        armse = sum(rmse) / len(rmse)
        raise ZeroDivisionError("RMSE is empty!")
    return armse


    estimated_trajectory: ArrayLike, true_trajectory: ArrayLike
) -> list

Computes the root mean squared error between the true and estimated trajectory of the UAV.


Name Type Description Default
estimated_trajectory ArrayLike

The estimated trajectory by the algorithm.

true_trajectory ArrayLike

The true trajectory that the UAV followed.



Type Description

The average root mean squared error between the true and the estimated trajectories.

Source code in autonav/
def compute_rmse(estimated_trajectory: ArrayLike, true_trajectory: ArrayLike) -> list:
    """Computes the root mean squared error between the true and estimated trajectory of the UAV.

        estimated_trajectory: The estimated trajectory by the algorithm.
        true_trajectory: The true trajectory that the UAV followed.

        The average root mean squared error between the true and the estimated trajectories.
    # Transform inputs in NDArray
    arr_estimated_trajectory: NDArray = asarray(estimated_trajectory, dtype=float)
    arr_true_trajectory: NDArray = asarray(true_trajectory, dtype=float)
    rmse = []
    # Trajectories must have the same length for comparison
    if size(arr_estimated_trajectory) == size(arr_true_trajectory):
        for i in range(len(arr_estimated_trajectory)):
            norm = sqrt(
                (arr_true_trajectory[i][0] - arr_estimated_trajectory[i][0]) ** 2
                + (arr_true_trajectory[i][1] - arr_estimated_trajectory[i][1]) ** 2
                + (arr_true_trajectory[i][2] - arr_estimated_trajectory[i][2]) ** 2
    return rmse

Other functions

This module contains the functions to read the path file.


readpathfile(filename: str) -> NDArray

Reads the path file.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

The name of the file to read.



Type Description

The waypoints needed to guide the drone.

Source code in autonav/
def readpathfile(filename: str) -> NDArray:
    """Reads the path file.

        filename: The name of the file to read.

        The waypoints needed to guide the drone.
    positions = []
    if os.path.isfile(filename):  # See if file exists
        with open(filename, "r") as file:
            csv_file = csv.reader(file)
            for line in csv_file:
                positions.append([float(x) for x in line])
        raise FileNotFoundError("File not found, please check path.") from None
    return array(positions)